What are the tools for shoeing horses?

Are you passionate about the equestrian world and you're looking for tools for horse shoeing to care for your horse in the best way?

Maybe you're looking to know more about the toolkit for shoeing horses.

In this article, we'll take you on a journey detailed in the world of hardware, equine, where you will learn about the essential tools and will help you find the best option for you and your horses. Are you ready for the trip?

What are the tools for shoeing horses, and why are they necessary?

Before we dive into the different tools that exist for shoeing horses, it is essential to understand what the hardware is and why it is important for the health and well-being of our horses.

The hardware is an ancient art dating back thousands of years.

It is a process that involves adjust a horseshoe metal to the hoof of the horseto protect it from any damage and aid in their locomotion. Shoeing a horse requires not only skill and precision, but also the right tools.

Now, a tool for shoeing a horse is a utensil which is used to protect and take care of the hooves of the horses, avoiding the wear and tear, injury, and infections.

It is very important because domestic horses do not have the same conditions as the wild horses, which have the ability to walk miles each day in the open fields without any protection in their hooves

And what are these tools? Let's see.

Tools for horse shoeing: the basic elements

Can not miss in your set of tools for horse shoeing the following parts:

Tongs cutting for desherrar

It is a tool that serves to remove the horseshoe-old horse's hoofessential for the farrier, as it enables you to remove the horseshoe safely and without damaging the hull.

The pliers-cutting has two arms with a collet in the form of a wedge inserted between the helmet and the horseshoe, and the pressure is separated and released the horseshoe.


Now, do you wonder what is a rasp for shoeing horses? Therefore, a rasp is a tool that serves to smooth out and Polish the hull of the horse after cutting it with the tongs of court.

It is fundamental to the hardware, as it allows you to shape and adapt the helmet to the horseshoe.

Fork helmets

The fork, or knife of helmets is one of the first tools that are used for shoeing horses that you'll need.

It is used for clean the sole of the helmet, removing stones, mud, and other debris that could cause discomfort or even injury to the horse.


The cortacascos is an essential tool in any kit of tools for shoeing horses.

This tool allows you to trim the excess of the helmet, keeping the correct way and helping to prevent health problems in the feet.

Nails for shoeing

Are a few pieces of metal that are used to attaching the shoes to the horse's hoof.

Nails of branding have a special shape that allows it to penetrate into the helmet without damaging it, and exit through the wall of the same, where are folded and riveted to set the horseshoe.

In addition, they are essential for the proper fitting of the horse, as must be of the size, shape, and material suitable for each type of hull and horseshoe.

Pliers branding

Pliers shoeing is used to check out the horseshoes old before you place the new.

They are one of the tools for shoeing horses for sale that you can find in any store equine or even on Amazon.

Scraper helmets

The rasp of helmets is another vital tool in any toolkit for shoeing horses.

It is used for smooth and level the surface of the hull after cuttingin preparation for the new horseshoe.

Anvil and hammer iron

The anvil and the hammer are vital for give way to the horseshoe before placing in the horse's hoof.

Both are essential components for shoeing horses.


Serves for measure and verify the angles and proportions of a horse's hoof.

It is an essential tool for the farrier because it allows adjust the hardware according to the needs and the conformation of each horse.

A good poise is essential to the health and performance of the horse, as it influences your balance, movement, and endurance.

Prices of tools for horse shoeing

Now that you know the basic tools, you might ask, how much are these tools?

The prices of the tools for horse shoeing may vary depending on the quality of the material and the manufacturer.

Be sure to buy a high-quality tools that can last and do the job well.

Here you have some tools for shoe cheap:

Where do buy tools for shoeing horses?

There are several physical stores and online, where you can find tools for shoeing horses for sale, but if you're looking for convenience and variety, we suggest you consider Amazon.

On Amazon, you can find a great variety of tools for horse shoeing, from holders of helmets until pliers branding.

You can also find tool kits for horse shoeing they include all the essential tools you need to begin.

How many times can you shoe a horse?

A horse should be shoeing every 40 or 50 daysbecause from that time the hull will have grown too much and you lose the right poise and balance of the foot.

This can cause pain and injury to the horse, as well as difficulties in walking and running.

The hardware also depends on the type of activity that you perform the horse, the type of soil where you move and the quality of the helmet


Horse shoeing is a job that requires skill, precision and the right tools.

If you're looking for tools for shoeing horses, this article has provided the necessary information to make the right choice.

Make sure you buy quality tools and always keep in mind the well-being of your horse.

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